Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day, Dance Recital and Swimming!

Like I said before - Happy Father’s Day!! We had a great weekend out here in Colorado. I just got back from a week of field work In Libby, MT. Being away from the family for a week seems to get harder and harder. Rhéa got a little sadder as the week moved along without me. I was supposed to pick her up from school on Friday but we got stuck in Spokane, WA for an extra 3.5 hours as our flight crew got a little extra rest. That got me into Denver at 5:30PM instead of 2:15 PM. When I did get home Morhéa was very glad to see me.

On Saturday she had dance practice and then we went to a block party in Highlands. It was fun but pretty darn hot and little wind.

Sunday was our big day. Not only was it Father’s Day but it was also the day of Morhéa’s big dance recital. She has been really excited to perform and Kim and I were equally excited to watch. We had a great time! Morhéa is really catching on. You can see in the videos how into it she was getting. On top of the “normal” tap dance moves you can see that she has her own little groove going on as well! It was awesome!! Check out the videos and you will see!


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